Leading title: A checkout-free grocery store
Short description: Amazon Go and food retail design
- 05.09.2017

Amazon Go and food retail design

Amazon is laying the groundwork to bring its checkout-free grocery store "Amazon Go" to America and Europe, as the Seattle based online giant steps up efforts to enter the global food market.

Amazon Go deliberately avoid using a traditional retail format of checkouts in favour of a tracking system that uses sensors, algorithms, and cameras to determine what a customer has bought.

The supermarket lets you walk in, grab products and walk straight out without having to go through checkout.

Amazon Go and food retail design store design and branding

All you need to do is check in to the store at the entrance by scanning the Amazon app on a sensor, and a range of technologies will make sure you pay the right amount for your shopping.

The United Kingdom the Intellectual Property Office has approved the company's application to trademark the slogans “No Lines. No Checkout. (No, Seriously.)” and “No Queue. No Checkout. (No, Seriously.)” A further application is being reviewed by the European Union.

As Amazon tries to work out the wrinkles of its first convenience stores that remove cashiers and checkout lines from the shopping experience, the e-commerce giant is postponing the store's public launch.

Amazon Go and food retail design store interior design and branding

However, Amazon sees huge potential in the supermarket retailing and the $13.7 billion acquisition of Whole Foods sets a game changer moment for the above.

While much attention has been paid to how much retailers and grocery stores have to fear from the alliance between these two very different industry giants. In the long term, Amazon poses a bigger threat. The tech giant has expansive consumer data collection abilities and its online convenience has been a drain on retail locations, leading to a decline in retail sales in many sectors.

In particular, Amazon's commitment to data gathering has helped the company learn more about its customers and at a faster pace. This has allowed it to adapt to changing customer shopping habits and provide its shoppers with a better online ordering experience.

Amazon "measures everything" and uses that information to optimise every aspect of its business.

Now having the largest organic U.S. retailer in its pocket could help the tech company spread its footprint quicker.

Amazon Go and food retail store app for checkout

Amazon is already testing food delivery through Amazon Fresh and selling its own brand of home meal replacement solutions. The delivery service operates in 13 American cities and internationally in Tokyo, London and Berlin.

For home meal replacement trademark that could show its next big direction.

Amazon has sparked speculation that it could become a key player in the meal-kit industry after filing to trademark the phrase: “We do the prep. You are the chef.”

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