Fix Price RU


Brand identity, merchandising, POS brand and asvertising communications.Europe's largest variety retailer based in Russia.

Fix Price Russia, Retail Branding, Brand Identity, Store Interior Design, Graphic Communications - CampbellRigg Agency
Fix Price Russia, Retail Branding, Brand Identity, Store Interior Design, App Branding, Graphic Communications - CampbellRigg Agency

Creating a brand identity, retail store design, brand guidelines and a merchandising strategy for Fix Price. Russia's largest
variety store retailer.

The Fix Price brand identity and store
interior design deliver impact and reflect the
rational value of the customer promise:
"super product - super value."

5500 store locations - Russia, Belarus, Estonia, Kazakstan,
Latvia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Georgia

Fix Price Russia, Store Card Advertising, Retail Branding, Brand Identity, Store Interior Design, Graphic Communications - CampbellRigg Agency

Unleashing a bold brand personality

Fix Price has become the No.1 choice for the Russian customer in the niche variety store retail discount sector selling everyday products.

Fix Price offers a diverse range of FMCG and homeware-led GM, providing their core shopper, a “family on a budget”, with their regular shopping replenishment needs.

Ten years earlier, we worked with the Co-Founders to create the original brand identity and brand environment. In those days, it was one of three retail ideas (Fresh & Свежий, a convenience food supermarket, Dream Club, a travel chain and Fix Price a variety store retailer) none of which had a physical store open and trading.

Ten years further on and 5,500 store openings later, our creatives teamed up again with the iconic variety store retailer to re-design their brand identity, retail store interior design and internal graphic promotions communications suite.

To signal change, CampbellRigg developed the anchoring brand idea for Fix Price. A ‘unique’ and ‘innovative’ customer promise: ‘Super product - Super value’.

Creating a brand identity, retail store design, brand guidelines and a merchandising strategy for Fix Price, Russia's largest variety store retailer.

The Fix Price brand identity and store interior design deliver impact, unleashing a bold brand personality in the retail landscape.

5500 store locations - Russia, Belarus, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Georgia

Fix Price Russia, Billboards and Outdoor Advertising, Retail Branding, Brand Identity, Store Interior Design, Graphic Communications - CampbellRigg Agency
Fix Price Russia, Billboards and Outdoor Advertising, Retail Branding, Brand Identity, Store Interior Design, Graphic Communications - CampbellRigg Agency
Fix Price Russia, Icon Design for Promotion, Retail Branding, Brand Identity, Store Interior Design, Graphic Communications - CampbellRigg Agency
Fix Price Russia, Icon Design for Click and Collect Promotion, Retail Branding, Brand Identity, Graphic Communications - CampbellRigg Agency
Fix Price Russia, Icon Design for Same Day Delivery Promotion, Retail Branding, Brand Identity, Graphic Communications - CampbellRigg Agency
Fix Price Russia, Retail Branding, Brand Identity, Store Interior Design, Graphic Communications - CampbellRigg Agency

Campbell Rigg International
once again teamed up with
iconic variety retailer Fix
Price to re-design their
brand identity, retail store
interior design and
communications suite.

Fix Price is back with a new brand identity,
store interior design and continues to
expand its network!

Fix Price Russia, Shop Front Fascia Signage and Window Advertising, Retail Branding, Brand Identity, Store Interior Design, Graphic Communications - CampbellRigg Agency
Fix Price Russia, External Building Signage Advertising, Retail Branding, Brand Identity, Store Interior Design, Graphic Communications - CampbellRigg Agency
Fix Price Russia, Retail Branding, Brand Identity, Store Interior Design, Graphic Communications - CampbellRigg Agency

"The new brand identity has set a new retail benchmark for
variety retailing."

Fix Price Russia, Branding, Internal Department Signage Retail, Brand Identity, Store Interior Design, Graphic Communications - CampbellRigg Agency
Fix Price Russia, Branding, Internal Department Signage Retail, Brand Identity, Store Interior Design, Graphic Communications - CampbellRigg Agency
Fix Price Russia, Branding, Brand Identity, Icon Design, Internal Department Signage Retail, Graphic Communications - CampbellRigg Agency
Fix Price Russia, Photo Lifestyle Imagery and Icon Design Brand Identity , Gift/Presents Branding, Internal Department Signage Retail, Graphic Communications - CampbellRigg Agency
Fix Price Russia, Brand Identity, Photo Lifestyle Imagery and Icon Design, Kitchen Utensils Branding, Internal Department Signage Retail, Graphic Communications - CampbellRigg Agency
Fix Price Russia, Brand Identity, Photo Lifestyle Imagery and Icon Design, Kitchen Utensils Branding, Internal Department Signage Retail, Graphic Communications - CampbellRigg Agency
Fix Price Russia, Icon Kitchen Utensils Branding and Typographic Design, Internal Department Signage Retail, Graphic Communications and Typography - CampbellRigg Agency
Fix Price Russia, Retail Branding, Brand Identity, Store Interior Design, Graphic Communications - CampbellRigg Agency

"Fix Price has the potential to grow the retail concept

Sergey Lomakin - Co-Founder of the Russian variety retailer Fix Price

Fix Price Russia, Retail Branding, Brand Identity, Store Interior Design, Graphic Communications - CampbellRigg Agency