Barclays Bank UK

Banking & Finance

A refresh of one of world’s most recognized brands. Branch audit and recommendations for a sustainable retail platform.

Barclays bank head office London branch audit and network transformation programme

A multi-channel consumer-centric lifestyle study
for a bank branch transformation programme.
Seeking a sustainable retail platform
for the future.

An audit across different brick-and-mortar formats
of Barclays retail branch network. They reassess their branch
footprints and how they will run their branches, moving
forward with digitization and innovation.

Woolwich mortgage sub branding, Barclays bank retail branch network

You don't run a business hoping you don't have a recession

What does Campbell Rigg consider when preparing a brand and bank branch audit?
Consideration is given to the design and layout of the existing property estate. A bank needs to work with what it has. The proposals should give the option to improve the branch network within a phased approach, minimising initial cost outlay. All recommendations need to be based upon sound insight into customer shopping behaviour.

Barclays core brief:
What do we want to interrogate within the proposal?
We want to look in depth at all the following elements of the branch environment:
Branch Location / Positioning
Property Style
External Signage
Window Marketing and Best use of windows

In branch Marketing:
Posters and the benefits/pitfalls of local flexibility
Leaflets both tactical / and nontactical
Tactical promotions
Just the facts (JTF’s) Our core range of literature
Life stage literature
Under counter product and fulfilment literature
Merchandising of Impulse products
Promoting our day-to-day products and services
Local Marketing

What do we expect to see within the proposal?
Consumer insight into how customers shop financial services.
What our competitors do that works / doesn’t work?
What works well within our existing branch network?
What quick fixes we could make?
What long-term changes do we need to make?
New technology.

How will we measure the success of the proposal?
By the submission of an achievable, cost effective, practical solution from which we can see a benefit for both staff and customers with the potential for increase return on investment and brand warmth.

Barclays Bank Reception point at the entrance of the branch
Retail bank ATM selling environment at Barclays Bank

Banks face big risks from shrinking
branch networks. As this process of
retail rethinking continues, against a backdrop
of tougher times for consumers, businesses
and financial institutions, there is one
encouraging point for
financial marketers.

"Strongly tied to top-line growth is marketing spend."
We analyse cluster group segments, customer journey times for shopping
missions in branch, the brand and how the selling environment
is moving to an appointment-only model.
We help improve the impact of interior design,
planning, waiting, service and self-service
areas, cross-selling opportunities,
and digital marketing.

Barclays Bank Information board advertising rates and services
Barclays Bank consultation office and work station
Barclays Bank Customer waiting area
Barclays Bank Concept sketch visual fascia branding and store front
Barclays Bank University express banking zone offering on-line mini bank services