Abbey Bank UK

Banking & Finance

A brand image to emphasize simplicity, connectivity and seamlessness in express bank branch design and brand communications.

Abbey Bank branch rebrand identity

Branding and interior design for multiple branch formats.
From a small volume convenience offering to a large
volume high street branch.

Our services encompassed rebrand, sub-brand,
reimagining formats, segment planning and environment design.
How to create a sustainable base going forward.

Abbey Bank New mini bank express branch design concept. Strapline “Because life is complicated enough” - Branding

Progress is cyclical in finance

We partnered with Abbey Bank management for the development of multiple branch formats and a new brand design platform for their retail business.

Our work streams covered branding and interior design for six retail branch formats, including various customer segments and financial transaction types. Each branch format fulfilled a different function for the bank: From a small volume convenience offering, high street large volume servicing to a traditional city financial retailer.

The aim
To find the right product offering, format and size of branch to boost sales performance of Abbey Bank branches in different catchment areas across the country.

  • At the same time Safeway Stores plc tasked our brand team with the design their Megastore hypermarkets. The Milton Keynes Megaststore included an in-store mini bank.
  • The strategy for in-store mini banking at Safeway hypermarkets is very simple.
  • It revolves around convenience and the implicit understanding that access no longer means convenience but time-earning.

Some bankers view in-store banking as a “deposit gatherer” and that’s all that they worry about. Most banks don’t think branches in supermarkets are sexy enough because you can’t sell commercial loans, trust, and investment management. The beauty of in-store banking is that it brings banking to the consumer. The question: ‘Am I going to two places to bank and shop or just one?’ Inevitably, a customer will choose the time-earning solution.

Abbey fast bank rebrand interior design and innovation express banking concept
Abbey supermarket mini bank branch rebrand and interior design. Reception and mini-bank ATM self-service
Abbey Bank reception and mini-bank ATM self-service. Bank branch rebrand interior design and innovation lifestyle concepts
New mini bank branch rebrand interior design Abbey bank
Abbey Bank general enquiries call centre phone point design concept
Abbey Bank Consultation Room. New mini bank branch rebrand interior design.
Abbey Bank ATM wall visual. New mini bank branch rebrand interior design.
Abbey Bank General enquiries desk and reception point. New mini bank branch rebrand interior design.
Abbey Bank Consultation Room visual. New mini bank branch rebrand interior design.