Website Design Agency | Digital Marketing Consultant | Brands

Integrated digital marketing communications
360-degree brand presence.

A brand's web presence in the modern market cannot be limited to its own website. Social media are the biggest market platform for all businesses today and should be included in any modern day marketing campaign and branding strategy. A brand's relevant presence in all the major digital platforms used by its consumers increases brand awareness and drives sales.

We devise strategies for building a solid and relevant online presence throughout all major digital channels. We advise on communication formats and styles appropriate for different platforms and help integrate those platforms into offline marketing campaigns to create a complete, 360-degree brand presence.

Anna Rigg Instagram, women's clothing collection, London

Impact through integration.
We craft cohesive and compelling brand messaging that not only engages consumers but also builds brand equity, both online and offline. We navigate our clients through the complexities of working across diverse communications media to maximize impact.

Insight and reach.
Knowing your customers is essential to communicate with them where, when and how they are most receptive to your message. We help you get a comprehensive view of customer preferences and expectations to create consistent and relevant customer experiences.

Facebook login

Mobile apps
Engagement on the go.

Mobile devices have become central to modern consumers and have emerged as a new field of marketing opportunities. Mobile applications built with the user in mind create additional customer engagement, especially outside the regular engagements patterns. Apps add to general band awareness and help to create a positive perception of products and services.

Fulfilling needs.
Developing an app starts with defining needs the app can address and useful actions it can perform for the consumers, like providing a pleasant shopping experience in a mall. Relevant and useful mobile apps increase consumer engagement, brand awareness and trust by showing customers they matter.

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We build apps that seamlessly expand brand presence into the mobile market, provide marketing and insight tools for our clients, and useful and relevant information to their customers. We integrate apps with websites and cross-platform marketing campaigns to provide a comprehensive set of digital marketing tools and strategies.

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How do our clients benefit from our services?
We add value when working with management teams to improve visitor numbers to the website and sales traffic for ROCE.

Our design team can produce a cost planning feasibility study before you start the process, create the brand identity, organise the photography of models and product, design the layout and write the code for the site, including the SEO titles and Meta descriptions that generate traffic and sales.

We offer a one-stop multidisciplinary service.

Marketing and brand design services made simple at the
CampbellRigg Agency in London

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