Adler Fashion DE

Fashion Retail

"Your fashion market" the message from a leading fashion retailer in Germany. Store interior design, merchandising systems design and brand communications.

 Adler Fashion Store Germany best retail store design, rebrand Ihr Mode Markt department branding
Creating a brand wall in-store and sub-brand identity "Your Fashion Market".

Retail interior design, store and branding for Adler. One of Germany's largest mid-market fashion chains.

Adler is, in its estimation, the market leader among textile retailers for customers over 45 years in the value price segment.
Multiple store locations - Germany.

 Adler Fashion Store Germany best retail store design, rebrand and merchandising Kids wear department

Tailored to the 55+ age group

As one of the leading textile retailers in Germany, Austria and Luxembourg, and with over 60 years of tradition and a high level of customer loyalty, Adler is, in its estimation, the market leader among textile retailers for customers over 45 in Germany in the value price segment. Selling products via a broad network of  166 stores in Germany, Austria and Luxembourg, as well as an online store.

The retailer started a programme of new store openings and delivered a new format at Limburg, which, although proving successful, required time and capital to implement. Adler's management faced a challenge. The company required a cost-neutral design solution to apply to their existing stores and to achieve a transformation in their brand communications effectively, speedily and with a neutral or limited capital expense.

Principally, the company wanted to “fight the grey” and update the feel of how they were communicating to their customer in-store.

After winning a competitive paid pitch to develop a new in-store shopping experience, we set about creating a graphic communication hierarchy to refresh the brand image of their stores. All areas of the store environment came under review, including sub-brands, visual merchandising displays, fixture systems, lighting, and customer navigation.

The brief also tasked our innovation team with the evolution of the strapline from ‘I Like This’. We recommended ‘Your Fashion Market’ a proposition that had greater resonance with its customer base. The communication in-store reinforced the product quality and service available to customers through targeted graphic communication.

 Adler Fashion Store Germany best retail store design, rebrand and merchandising Service and childrens wear department

The Pretty and Pink concept review included store design, sub-branding, visual merchandising displays, fixture systems, lighting and customer navigation. All on a minimal budget.

The sub-brand strap-line changed from "I Like This" to "Your Fashion Market."
Ihr Modemarkt

 Adler Fashion Store Germany in-store services
 Adler Fashion Store Germany entrance graphic
 Adler Fashion Store Germany best retail store interior design and department branding
Creating a high level navigation system for deparments.
 Adler Fashion Store Germany retail store interior design and department branding for hosen, jacken and dessous - trousers, jackets and lingerie
Designing lingerie lifstyle brand graphics and merchandising systems. 
 Adler Fashion Store Germany retail store interior design and department branding for dessous and lingerie
 Adler Fashion Store Germany retail store interior design and department branding for mens wear jackets
 Adler Fashion Store Germany retail store interior design and department branding for mens wear shirts
 Adler Fashion Store Germany retail store interior design and department branding for cashier - check out
 Adler Fashion Store Germany sketch of retail store interior design menswear jeans department
 Adler Fashion Store Germany sketch of retail store interior design womens wear jeans department