Leading title: Effective POP design
Short description: Marketing POP design brand consultants
- 16.09.2016

Marketing POP design brand consultants

75% of consumer purchasing decisions are made at the point of purchase in-store and online. That is why it is crucial for product design and packaging to have maximum impact. Great packaging design should capture the shopper's attention and give them enough information to close the sale. Effective point of purchase, integrated marketing and communications and great packaging design programmes should build brand awareness, customer satisfaction and consumer brand loyalty. We are pleased to present a number of innovative images as well as our thoughts from the wonderful world of design to the importance of developing an effective point of purchase programmes.

Bundaberg Distilling Co. brand consultants

Bundaberg Distilling Co. 125th Anniversary Bottle

The retail point of purchase moment represents an opportunity at which all the elements of the sale, the consumer, the manufacturer, the retailer and the product, are brought face to face. By using integrated marketing communications vehicles, including VM displays, packaging design, in-store advertising and informed sales representatives, at the point of purchase (POP), we aim to help marketers to influence the consumer's buying decision.

Because of the variety of communications vehicles available and the effectiveness of a POP programme, marketers need to consider how they manage their POP programmes so as to ensure that both retailers and consumers will see consistency and coordination in the integrated marketing and brand communications campaign rather than inconsistency and confusion. An example of an innovative, well-managed POP programme includes our work with Bacardi Global Travel Retail, for the Bacardi Ron Superior Heritage Limited Edition brand - see a link below to the case study.

Brand agency benchmark Creteleon packaging

Creteleon by T&E Polydorou Design

The importance of of POP's

POP programme budgets are of increasing significance to marketing teams for several reasons. (A) They often prove more productive than traditional advertising and promotion expenditures. (B) The decline in sales support at the store level is stimulating interest among retailers in manufacturers' POP programmes. (C) Changes in consumers' shopping habits, along with an upsurge in online digital sales, mean that the point of purchase is playing a more important role in consumers' decision making than ever before.

Please follow this link Bacardi Heritage

Bacardi retail Ron Superior Heritage Limited Edition brand packaging

Bacardi Ron Superior Heritage Limited Edition by CampbellRigg

Why not call us and talk about your POP brand programme, retail formats, digital branding and social media requirement.

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