When searching for the meaning of financial branding and design for the industry, I came across this quote.
“Ultimately, a brand is the things people say about you when you're not there,” says Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon.com.
With so many brand expressions being used by marketing professionals these days, it can be hard to understand what is the brand essence of a business and I would add it is often complicated with slogans, advertising campaigns, logos and organizational naming, just think “Alphabet and Google”. But as Bezos tries to point out, a brand is much more emotional in nature because it is tied to reputation, trust and the quality of an institution's management team who seeks to make life easier for their customers.
So how can banks and other institutions in competitive environments create brands that engage emotional connections, make life easier for their customers and inspire loyalty? The first and most critical step is gaining a thorough understanding of how your bank's brand fits in the marketplace by engaging a brand expert. The next step requires the management team of the bank to work closely with a creative design and branding agency like Campbell Rigg.
In this digital age, a bank or credit union with a dated brand identity cannot be complacent and if they remain complacent in time the bank will not continue to compete. If you can't convince the marketplace your institution is tech-savvy and if your brand image screams “Out of date” then the millennials along with further generations will vote with their feet and move to a Venmo finance app or brand alternatives. Consumers today want to do business with financial institutions that are hip and innovative. So a stuffy, traditional brand and property estate need to be realigned.
How can we leverage your brand identity and real estate formats to convince consumers that banking doesn't have to be boring and mechanical?
Make no mistake, the image of a financial institution's brand identity is one of the most powerful weapons in your marketing arsenal. Do not underestimate the impact your brand identity has, whether positive or negative, on people's perceptions and your financial balance sheet.
CampbellRigg works with great partner agencies to build bank businesses, extending the brand's look, feel and tone of voice online and offline.
Promsvyazbank in Russia says “CampbellRigg was the best partner to help guide their financial institutions through branding and retail environment cultural change. They took the time to listen, to understand our business and it's vision. In the end, their professional energy and creativity helped our management team to produce a unique brand environment that differentiates our bank in a very competitive marketplace”.
Please take a moment to visit the following links to see our work for Promsvyazbank and VTB via the links below.
Promsvyazbank project
VTB24 bank project
Our internal process of renewal, allows us to continually benchmark and write about the best in class retail trends in many market sectors across the globe. The images contained in this article have taken from the web and are of the Bank of Queensland, credited to the Public Design Group. Please take a moment to review other news items linked to this site.
Why not call and talk to us about your bank brand, design or refurbishment programme, branding, digital and social media requirements.