A new concept of banking
Campbell Rigg has collaborated with large banks in the retail sector over recent years to develop and implement new branch concepts. These new concepts showcase Campbell Rigg's dedication to innovation, using interactive technology to highlight the bank's digital channels. The goal is to offer customers a seamless banking experience, a platform that evolves with technological advancements and changing customer behaviors.
Client Testimonial:
“We commissioned Campbell Rigg to develop innovative design solutions for a new line of the Bank's sales offices, considering the Bank's major identity elements across four different branch formats. The complete interior solution was then approved by the Executive management, successfully adapted, and implemented by Campbell Rigg.” Elena Makhota, Vice President, Head of Retail Banking
Case Study: PSB When PSB executive management invested in Campbell Rigg’s design and format planning services, they found it was 15% cheaper to implement compared to previous turnkey contractor appointments. Additionally, the Net Promoter Score index showed a significant improvement in customer loyalty, moving from 10th to 5th position.
Priorities for Success (2020):
- Developing a customer-centric business model
- Optimizing distribution
- Simplifying business and operating models
- Obtaining an information advantage
Industry Insights: Retail banks have not kept pace with the improvements in customer experience seen in other consumer industries. Few banks excel in innovative customer interaction models or branch formats. Traditionally, marketing investments have focused on brand building and increasing loyalty, with a reputable brand standing for trust and security, acting as a barrier to new entrants.
Campbell Rigg’s New Banking Concept: Campbell Rigg offers a fresh banking concept that embodies the bank's 'by your side' ethos, promoting an open, accessible, and friendly customer experience, making banking user-friendly.
Our internal renewal process allows us to continually benchmark and write about the best-in-class branding across various market sectors globally. The images in this article were created by Campbell Rigg. Please review other news items linked to this page for more insights.
Why not call and talk to us about your brand, design or change program, digital, and social media requirements.