Marmara Forum Mall

We build shopping mall brands designed to transform markets.
Intuitive. Planning. Solutions.

Interior design, branding, navigation system creation, planning, and exterior cladding proposals for a shopping mall in Istanbul, Turkey.

Marmara Forum shopping mall Istanbul Turkey façade design and branding

A refurbishment of the Marmara Forum shopping mall is planned by its owner, Multi. We delivered conceptual design work, including a new facade treatment
and way-finding navigation for the mall.

Constructed in 2009, Marmara Forum is one of Istanbul's largest shopping centres. This award-winning Mall is in the Bakirköy district and comprises 135,000 square meters of leased area housing
300 national and international brands.
It draws almost 20 million visitors annually.
Location - Istanbul, Turkey.

Marmara Forum Mall Digital Way finding Signage

The mall has 20 million visitors annually!

Marmara Forum shopping centre is one of Turkey’s largest malls, featuring 300 national and international brands and attracting nearly 20 million visitors annually. Opened in 2009, this award-winning mall is located in the Bakirköy district and spans 135,000 square meters of leased area.

In response to a brief from Multi Corporation, a leading pan-European service platform for retail real estate managing around 80 assets across Europe, we are providing design solutions for a phased refurbishment of the mall. Multi offers comprehensive shopping centre redevelopment, refurbishment, marketing, and legal services.

Our scheme includes new entrance signage treatments on the façade, covered walkways, and internal and external navigation systems for the mall.

Marmara Forum Mall Digital Navigation Signage
Marmara Forum Mall Digital Wall and Way finding Signage
Marmara Forum Istanbul internal  totem signage
Marmara Forum Navigation System and Totem
Marmara Forum Way finding Signage
Marmara Forum shopping mall navigation system
Marmara Forum Mall Istanbul Internal Totem Signage
Marmara Forum Mall Digital Wall Advertising
Marmara Forum Mall Canopy
Marmara Forum Mall Digital Advertising Metro Station
Marmara Forum shopping mall Istanbul car park navigation system
Marmara Forum shopping mall Istanbul car park navigation system
Marmara Forum shopping mall Istanbul navigation and branding system
Marmara Forum shopping mall Istanbul pavement cycling system