Leading title: Currys PC World
Short description: Technology branding and trends for retail design
- 08.09.2017

Technology branding and trends for retail design

Campbell Rigg, CEO and founder of our company, recently commented about the company's creation of the Currys PC World brand identity, `We are seeing a most complex brand landscape ever in the retail marketplace. Consumers want the latest in brand technology, a personalised experience, opportunities to interact and all in a simple, streamlined process. Brands need to be agile and adapt to changing demands, but they will also have to deal with the inflexion points of the retail landscape, and this where brand engineers and design consultants can help industry. When we created the Currys PC World brand identity we fused two brands in one image.`

Black Currys PC World technology brand identity and store design

“The fusion of two brands and or services signals greater consumer involvement in how a goods and services provider should engage the marketplace. Brand managers will have to be less rigid and more open to input from both internal and external audiences. "Martech" analytics will become the backbone of product activation programmes.”

Retailers and suppliers of goods and services, really need to put customers in the mood: The world's leading brands and savvy small businesses will connect with consumers in new ways by creating customised online and in-store retail experiences.

Brands today are moulded by countless people across multiple Omni-channel social media experiences. These groups include consumers, employees, partners, agencies, and a wider set of third-party influencers (politicians). They are not passive audiences to be governed, but active participants to engage.

Black Currys PC World technology brand identity and store design

Apple does not want casual buyers, but dedicated fans, confirming the link between brand love, loyalty and profitability.

To address this changing landscape, we the brand engineers need to let go of outdated assumptions and create brand strategies that engage markets, consumers, employees, partners, and third-party influencers.

Our internal process of design renewal allows us to continually benchmark and publish the best in class branding and retail store design trends in many markets across the globe. Please take a moment to review the "projects - electronics" section of this website to see our work as well as other news items linked to this page.

Why not call us and talk about your brand strategy, design renewal programme, digital and social media requirements.

Black Currys PC World technology brand communications

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