Leading title: Megafon Russia
Short description: Driving retail telecoms sales with brand consultants
- 30.06.2017

Driving retail telecoms sales with brand consultants

Executing a telecoms brand and store design strategy in this increasingly complex world requires excellence in every aspect of retail and achieving retail excellence is not easy. The executive management team of MegaFon, Russia's second-largest telecoms operator based in St Petersburg, agree that retail is detail and when it comes to executing a telecoms retail strategy they appointed CampbellRigg to help plan and brand their retail formats of the future.

Telecoms retail is a small box environment that requires a skilled labour force to execute a high-touch sale and brand consultants who are expert in creating brand assets and highly profitable retail formats.

MegaFon telecoms and technology new store design Russia

The relationship between telecoms goods and services provider and consumers of telecoms technologies are now more complex and multi-faceted, with multiple brands now influencing the customer's wireless experience. To remain relevant, and to secure the customer's long-term loyalty, the role of the traditional retail store must change. It must find a new balance between delivering on the functional requirements of the business (customer acquisition and retention) and driving more relevant and emotional long-term relationships with customers.

MegaFon telecoms and technology new store cash and accessories desk design Russia

The in-store experience has been a vital touch-point in the telecoms operator to consumer relationship. Our work with MegaFon aims to develop brand loyalty, which historically has only been leveraged at the start of the customer relationship and complimented with accessory sales and support, over an extended lifecycle of ever-changing technology. While store branding and location remain a principal channel for customer acquisition, the in-store experience has evolved. The store branding, design and merchandising systems aim to become integral and relevant across the entire customer lifecycle, from initial evaluation and set-up to continued service and maintenance

We see many telecom operators facing a dilemma on how best to structure their retail strategy and the answer depends on the type of market structure and the type of operator.

MegaFon telecoms and technology new store cash and accessories desk design Russia

In the new market reality, MegaFon executive management asked us to optimise their retail footprints, introduce contribution to margin product categories and finally to improve owned point of sale efficiency.

Five format footprints were identified for development of MegaFon's retail brand strategy.

MegaFon telecoms and technology new store cash and accessories desk design Russia

The images in this article have been taken from one format of our work for MegaFon executive management.

Our internal process of renewal, allows us to continually benchmark and write about the best in class retail trends in many market sectors across the globe. Please take a moment to review other news items linked to this page.

Why not call us and talk about your retail brands or store design renewal programme, digital and social media requirements.

MegaFon telecoms and technology new store window display design Russia

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